Tuesday, June 20, 2017

10 Reasons Why Rain Won't Ruin Your Day

Rain, rain, go away... or, stay? Every bride dreams of sun shining on her big day, but let's talk rain, it's benefits, and options. Here 

10 Reasons Why Rain Won't Ruin Your Day

1. You will love your pictures. Think matching umbrellas, dancing in the rain, thunderstorm kisses, and puddle frolicking. 

2. Rain boots are comfier than heels.You don't need me to tell you how comfy and cute rain boots can be. 

3. Rain is supposed to be good luck. In some cultures, rain is actually considered good luck for a marriage, signifying fertility and a long lasting marriage.

4. You have a back up plan. If your outdoor venue doesn't work, you have a backup plan. At least, you should. Most venues offer indoor and outdoor reception space, with rehearsals accommodating for both. Keep this in mind when you are venue shopping and be sure to ask about rain plans.

5. Your flowers might last longer. Flowers are known to thrive in watery, windy conditions, causing them to be less likely to wilt. 

6. Your guest favors can be useful. How often to do you go to a wedding and get a cheesy, non-useful wedding favor? Here's an idea. In the rain, give them a colored poncho, a memorable umbrella, or an embroidered hand towel. Now we're talking!

7. Updos Won't Frizz. That's the beauty of an updo. Think braids, twists, and messy buns. Your glam squad won't let your hair fall or frizz, and updos are great at keeping your hair in control. 

8. You can collect the rain while you dance in it. I saw the cutest idea on Pinterest to stick out mason jars on the wedding day and collect the rain. Perhaps use it as a flower vase or a lifelong decoration piece. It's something you'll never forget. 

9. Rain just has a way of making things...romantic. On a rainy day, all you want to do is cozy up to your loved ones and just be "together". It's magical. It makes the atmosphere cozy, warm, and romantic.

and last but certainly not least...

10. At the end of every rain storm, there is a rainbow to be seen.

Comment below to tell us your rainy wedding stories and share your pictures, too!

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